PagerDuty Automation Use Case Library
Discover what PagerDuty Automation can do for you. Simplify job authoring configuration and reduce expertise required to write and execute automation. Below are some examples to get you started.
Featured Automations

Standardize business and technical workflows across people, tools, and systems, and eliminate manual work with PagerDuty Automation.

Integrate seamlessly with Kubernetes clusters, enabling DevOps teams to automate complex scaling tasks

Streamline routine operational tasks, such as monitoring and managing Kubernetes pods
Automate backups, performance tuning, and monitoring to ensure critical tasks are performed consistently and efficiently.
Automation Library
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Automation Standardization and COE
Incident Management Transformation
Ops Center Modernization
Container Management
Database Management
FinOps (Cost Management)
Storage Management

Enable safe and seamless scaling, ensuring minimal disruption to services.

Reduce operational complexity and unnecessary expenses while maintaining compliance.

Reduce clutter, optimize costs, and ensure efficient resource allocation.

Automating the removal of unused IPs reduces waste and frees up resources for active workloads.

Ensure consistent, secure configurations across environments, reducing setup time and operational risks.

Ensure consistent, accurate cleanup of unused storage, reducing costs and enhancing data security by minimizing exposure.

Enable timely and efficient management of log data, preventing storage bloat and ensuring that critical logs remain accessible.

Quickly pinpoint storage issues, optimize resources, and prevent costly downtime.

Provide a consistent and isolated environment for running applications and scripts to enhance efficiency and accelerate development cycles.

Quickly identify replication failures or delays and execute predefined scripts to gather diagnostic information.

Standardize business and technical workflows across people, tools, and systems, and eliminate manual work with PagerDuty Automation.

Automate the execution of schema changes across development, testing, and production environments.

Automate the execution of SQL scripts to perform routine health checks on databases

Check cluster health and status, detect anomalies, and gathers logs and metrics for analysis
Ensure precise control over permissions, granting engineers necessary access for a limited time, with all actions logged for security and compliance.
Process and approve access requests, reducing the manual workload for IT teams.

Detect and resolve duplex mismatches by scheduling and executing predefined tasks and scripts across network devices.

Automate the retrieval and documentation of environment configurations, dependencies, and application versions across diverse platforms.

Automate the execution of tasks such as restarting services, adjusting resource allocations, or triggering alerts based on CPU thresholds.

Integrate seamlessly with Kubernetes clusters, enabling DevOps teams to automate complex scaling tasks

Streamline routine operational tasks, such as monitoring and managing Kubernetes pods
Automate backups, performance tuning, and monitoring to ensure critical tasks are performed consistently and efficiently.

Handle app and service scaling by automating the deployment and scaling of applications in Kubernetes clusters.

Automate the scheduling and execution of routine tasks like deploying applications, scaling resources, and managing configurations.

Initiate change requests through a user-friendly interface, while approval processes automatically involve relevant stakeholders.