Gitter Integration Guide

Gitter brings teams together in a way that email can’t. It’s real-time messaging built specifically to help teams communicate better. Gitter provides free public chat rooms for communities and open source projects and private chat rooms for teams and businesses. Simple to use, with powerful integrations into GitHub and other services.

This integration allows you or your team to be notified of PagerDuty incidents via Gitter, and is very simple to configure. If you have any questions or trouble completing the integration please contact our support team.

In Gitter

  1. In the room you want to add the PagerDuty notifications to, click on the Tools icon.
  2. Click on PagerDuty from the list of services.
  3. Select the Events you'd like to see in Gitter. Copy your unique webhook URL and click Done.

In PagerDuty

  1. Go to the Services menu and select Service Directory. On the services page, click on the service which you would like to tie to Gitter.
  2. On the service's Integrations tab, scroll down and click Add or manage extensions, then New Extension.
  3. For the Extension Type select Generic Webhook, enter a display name for your webhook (i.e. Gitter), paste the unique webhook URL given by Gitter, and click the Save button. Once you have added your webhook, you'll see updates to the service within your Gitter activity pane within the room.


What events trigger a webhook to be sent?

PagerDuty sends webhooks for various events related to an incident, such as when an incident is triggered, acknowledged and resolved, however Gitter will only accept webhooks for the events you choose. Please review our Webhooks API documentation for additional information about the types of webhooks we can send.

How can I test receiving a webhook?

You can use a website such as PostBin to view the contents of a webhook payload.

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