Corporate and Global Impact Governance

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors and each of its committees oversee different elements of environmental, social and governance matters at PagerDuty. The Board of Directors is governed by the Corporate Governance Guidelines

The Board receives and advises on regular updates on PagerDuty’s Global Impact strategy and performance from management and each of the committees: 

  • The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, responsible for environmental, social and governance programs and activities, and relevant public disclosures, as outlined in the Committee’s charter. For more details, see the Nominating and Governance Committee Charter
  • The Compensation Committee, overseeing a range of human capital activities, including talent management and development, talent acquisition and retention, employee engagement and pay equity and ID&E. For more details, see the Audit Committee Charter
  • The Audit Committee, responsible for our risk management, framework and programs, overall risk profile, risk exposures and business conduct, alongside the Board as a whole. For more details, see the Compensation Committee Charter

Our Global Impact team, an integrated, cross-functional group, leads our efforts to align and advance environmental and social impact. This team is led by the VP of Global Impact, who reports to our Chief Legal Officer. Our Chief Financial Officer also serves as the Executive Sponsor for Environmental, Social and Governance. 

These programs are governed by two groups: 

  1. The Environmental, Social and Governance Steering Committee, chaired by our Director of Environmental, Social, Governance and Sustainability, leads our strategy and goal setting
  2. The Environmental, Social and Governance Working Group, is composed of functional leads across the business who are accountable for achieving progress in our impact priority areas.