Secure Time-bound Access for On-call Without the Wait

When things break, PagerDuty kicks off an alert and your on-call team jumps into motion. During an incident, responders need elevated access to production or customer data. With the PagerDuty + Indent integration your team can get time-bound, audit-logged access in seconds.

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  • Access Escalation for On-Call Teams

    Indent enables on-call teams to request and be granted the access they need in seconds when responding to an incident based on their on-call status.

  • Auto-Revoke After Incident Resolution

    Escalated access will expire based on configurable durations. Users can easily request more time via Slack, or chrome extension.

  • Audit Logs for Compliance

    Keep track of who requested access to what, whether it was approved or denied, and for how long they had it until it expired. 

Learn More About Indent

Indent helps teams of all sizes and industries manage least-privilege and on-demand access so they can work with production faster and more securely.


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