Reduce Support Escalations with Artificial Intelligence

IrisAgent links PagerDuty incident logs, bugs, and alerts with tickets in real-time to uncover the true source of issues. We reduce support escalations, and improve response times, and identify the business and customer impact of each PagerDuty incident.

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Benefits of IrisAgent and PagerDuty Integration

  • Reduce Support Escalations

    Link PagerDuty incidents to support tickets automatically to avoid redundant or unnecessary escalations from support that distract from your primary duties. Tickets targeted for escalation are analyzed against other, similar tickets and consolidated into a single escalation when appropriate.

  • Discover Top Issues Impacting Users

    Uncover emerging trends in real-time to proactively target customer issues and product outages.

  • Prioritize High-Impact Incidents

    Understand the impact of incidents on customer support and proactively contact customers based on business impact.

Learn More about IrisAgent

IrisAgent helps customer support teams reduce escalations, improve response times, and ensure customer satisfaction by using artificial intelligence to better identify the true source of issues, resolve routine issues, automate repetitive tasks, and monitor customer health.



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