Intelligent Incident Management and Runbook Automation Across Your IT Landscape

Pliant and PagerDuty believe moving at the speed of digital business requires a fundamental change in how IT organizations develop, deploy and manage technology. A rapidly changing and complex infrastructure demands platforms that provide visibility into incidents and automation that mitigates issues in real-time. Pliant’s unified platform for IT process automation simplifies how ITOps, DevOps and SecOps develop and deploy automation by transforming API code into low-code building blocks.

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  • Auto-Remediate Incident Response

    By automating responses to identified issues in the infrastructure, teams are able to decrease the mean time to repair (MTTR) and increase productivity.

  • Aggregated Correlation

    Pliant’s ability to gather direct and indirect information from IT assets enables faster ticket remediation.

  • No Code

    Design, Develop, and Deploy automation in response to incidents in minutes by leveraging 10’s of thousands of pre-built API integrations.

Learn More About

Pliant and PagerDuty believe moving at the speed of digital business requires a fundamental change in how IT organizations develop, deploy and manage technology. A rapidly changing and complex infrastructure demands platforms that provide visibility into incidents and automation that mitigates issues in real-time. Pliant’s unified platform for IT process automation simplifies how ITOps, DevOps and SecOps develop and deploy automation by transforming API code into low-code building blocks.


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