Foglight Integration Guide

Foglight is a performance monitoring package that allows the management of a variety of technologies (e.g. Java, .NET, virtual or physical servers, databases, etc…).  Foglight now has a direct integration with PagerDuty that’s simple to configure.  Please follow this guide for how to tie Foglight monitoring with your PagerDuty account.  This integration guide uses Foglight for SQL Server, although the integration should work with other Foglight products. [textsnippet_pdtrial]

If you are having trouble completing the integration please contact us.

In PagerDuty

      1. From the Services menu, select Service Directory.
      2. On your Service Directory page, if you are creating a new service for your integration, click + New Service. If you are adding your integration to an existing service, click the name of the service you want to add the integration to. Then click the Integrations tab and click the Add a new integration link.
      3. Select your app from the Integration Type menu and enter an Integration Name. If you are creating a new service for your integration, in General Settings, enter a Name for your new service. Then, in Incident Settings, specify the Escalation Policy, Notification Urgency, and Incident Behavior for your new service.
      4. Click the Add Service or Add Integration button to save your new integration. You will be redirected to the Integrations page for your service.
      5. Copy the Integration Key for your new integration:
      6. From the Apps & Add-Ons button, select API Access.
      7. On your API Access page, click the +Create New API Key button.
      8. In the dialog that pops up, you’ll be prompted to enter a Description for your key. You will also have the option to create the key as Read-only; leaving this box unchecked will create a full access key.
      9. Once you have filled in your options, click Create Key.
      10. Once you click Create Key, you will see a dialog displaying your key and confirming the options you filled in on the previous step. Make sure to copy this key into any application that needs it now, as you will not have access to the key after this step. If you lose a key that you created previously and need access to it again, you should remove the key and create a new one. Click Close once you have successfully copied your key.
      11. Once created, you will see your key appear in the list of keys on the API Access page.

In Foglight

      1. Log in to your Foglight server. Download and extract the PagerDuty cartridge.
      2. From the left-hand menu, under Dashboards, click on Administration > Cartridges > Cartridge Inventory. Click on Install Cartridge.
      3.  Browse to where you extracted the PagerDuty cartridge. Select the cartridge and click Open.
      4.  Click the Install Cartridge button.  Leave Enable on install checked.
      5.  Once the cartridge is installed, you will get a message stating that the “Requested operation was successfully completed.” Click on the OK button.
      6. Refresh your browser window. You should now see an Alerting with PagerDuty link under your Homes menu. Click on it.
      7. Click on the Get Started button.
      8. Enter your PagerDuty subdomain and the API key from step 3 of the In PagerDuty section of this guide. If you’re using a proxy server, check the box and enter the proxy server information. Click on the Next button once complete.
      9. You will now see a list of all of your service. Select the service that you’d like to associate with Foglight and click Next.
      10. Select the Foglight Services that you’d like to alert via PagerDuty, then select the Minimal Severity level that you would like to trigger PagerDuty incidents. Click the Next button when complete.
      11.  Click on the Finish button.  Congratulations!  You have integrated Foglight with your PagerDuty account.  Now when an alarm triggers, is acknowledged or resolved within Foglight, it will update the corresponding incident within PagerDuty.  The incident within PagerDuty will contain valuable information to facilitate quick resolutions of your alarms.
        Should you need any further assistance, please contact our support team.


Can I setup Foglight to work with multiple PagerDuty services?

Unfortunately, no, you cannot configure Foglight to work with multiple PagerDuty services using the PagerDuty cartridge.

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