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Hawkeye is a network performance monitoring application used to find issues before they impact the end-user experience by continuously monitoring key network paths and services. This guide shows you how to integrate Hawkeye with PagerDuty to create PagerDuty incidents by sending emails containing test results and KPI’s from Hawkeye.
Yes! Email alarms can be enabled for various conditions. For example, when test KPI thresholds are not met, when tests could not be started, when tests start but did not execute properly. Scheduled tests can also send alerts when the current test did not return with the same result as the prior test.
No. Currently the Hawkeye email alarm to PagerDuty has a pre-defined title and test results format. This is why it’s important to configure Integration Email Management to open a new alert for each email alarm. This ensures Hawkeye email alarms are not de-duped by PagerDuty.
Hawkeye attempts to send the email alarms based on the Administration Preferences Max Email Attempts parameter. When an email cannot be sent, a status other than “yes” will be shown in the Alarm Sent column of the Generated Alarms List. No additional retries will be attempted after this.
No. This integration uses email and is unidirectional.
Detailed instructions can be found in the Hawkeye User Guide.
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