WombatOAM Integration Guide

WombatOAM is an operations, administration and management platform for Erlang OTP systems. Erlang Solutions is a tech company building trusted, fault-tolerant systems that can scale to billions of users. They offer world-leading consultancy in Erlang and Elixir – open source programming languages. Their portfolio of clients includes WhatsApp, Klarna, Pivotal, Motorola, Toyota Connected and Ericsson, to mention a few.

PagerDuty + WombatOAM Integration Benefits

  • Notify on-call responders based on alerts sent from WombatOAM.
  • Send richly formatted event data from WombatOAM.
  • Create high and low urgency incidents in PagerDuty based on the severity of the event from the WombatOAM event payload.
  • Convert email alerts from WombatOAM to PagerDuty incidents to get notified instantly.

How it Works

  • When WombatOAM services or hosts change to a hard problem state, it will send an alert via an API request to a service in PagerDuty. Events from WombatOAM will trigger a new incident on the corresponding PagerDuty service, or group as alerts into an existing incident.
  • Users can acknowledge an incident in PagerDuty and then work to resolve the incident.


  • This integration requires a Manager base role or higher for account authorization. If you do not have this role, please reach out to an Admin or Account Owner within your organisation to configure the integration.

In PagerDuty

  1. Go to the Configuration menu and select Services.
  2. On the Services page:
    • If you are creating a new service for your integration, click Add New Service.
    • If you are adding your integration to an existing service, click the name of the service you want to add the integration to. Then click the Integrations tab and click the New Integration button.
  3. Select your app from the Integration Type menu
  4. Enter an Integration Name. If you are creating a new service for your integration, in General Settings, enter a Name for your new service. Then, in Incident Settings, specify the Escalation Policy, Notification Urgency, and Incident Behavior for your new service.
  5. Click the Add Service or Add Integration button to save your new integration. You will be redirected to the Integrations page for your service.
  6. Copy the Integration Key for your new integration.

In WombatOAM

  1. Navigate to the  ADMIN dropdown in the top-right corner of the WombatOAM Dashboard and select Configuration.
  2. Select Data Export, find the PagerDuty option and click the Configure button.

  3. Select Enable all tags in the Send alarms tagged with section and select the PagerDuty API as the Transport Service. Then paste the Integration Key (generated in the In PagerDuty section above) in the PagerDuty API Service Key (API token) field.
    Click Save and then click the Test the Configuration button

  4. You should then receive a This is a test incident from WombatOAM incident in your PagerDuty instance. If you do not receive this incident, please ensure that you have input the Integration Key correctly and try again.


  • Is it possible to integrate WombatOAM using an email integration?
    Yes. Simply select SMTP Server as your Transport Service in WombatOAM Configuration and fill up your SMTP server details. You may also select your Default SMTP settings to send out emails to PagerDuty integrations.
  • Does WombatOAM support two-way integration with PagerDuty?
    WombatOAM does not currently support a two-way integration with PagerDuty.

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