Integration Guide


  • PagerDuty brings modern incident response mobilization to the Workplace Command Center.  PagerDuty helps ensure the critical work that must happen in real-time gets done with no chance it falls through the cracks.

How it Works

  • Salesforce can trigger incidents in PagerDuty when Tasks are created in the Workplace Command Center Operations feed, so that responses can be organized and tracked using a Modern Incident Response workflow. Updates to the Task can be propagated to the PagerDuty incident, and vice-versa, using defined rules.


In Salesforce Cloud:

  • Permissions to Install Salesforce Managed Package applications.
  • A Salesforce Professional, Unlimited or Enterprise edition, which can allow Apex classes to be run from a Managed Package.
  • Ensure that API Access is enabled on your Organization. Salesforce Organizations in Trial Mode will normally not have API access enabled.
  • Permission to administer the Workplace Command Center, including the ability to edit Lightning apps.

In PagerDuty:

  • A Global Admin or Account Owner base role is required for configuration. If you're not sure what role you have, or if you need your permissions adjusted, visit our sections on Checking Your User Role or Changing User Roles.

Integration Walkthrough

Install the Integration Packages

  1. Follow the PagerDuty Salesforce Service Cloud Integration Guide, but skip the creation of the Rulesets. Rules appropriate for Workplace Command Center are given below.
  2. Install the PagerDuty extension package located here (use this link instead if you are installing to a sandbox organization)
  3. Create a PagerDuty service to house incidents from Workplace Command Center Tasks, and make a note of its name. (You can configure multiple PagerDuty services later by duplicating and modifying the first Task rule below.)
  4. Configure a Salesforce extension on the service you created by following the relevant section in the PagerDuty Salesforce Service Cloud Integration Guide.

Create Task Rules

  1. In Salesforce, click the Waffle at the top left corner of the screen, search for PagerDuty, and choose PagerDuty Configuration.
  2. Click on the Rulesets tab.
  3. Click Add Ruleset.
  4. Type in a name for the ruleset, like PagerDuty-WDC, and click Save.
  5. Click on the toggle switch marked Disabled to enable the new ruleset.
  6. Click on the ruleset’s name to open it.
  7. For each of the entries in the table below, click on the New Rule button, and fill out the values as outlined, then click Save to save the rule.


Rule Name Object Run rule on When Action(s)
1 WDC trigger to PD Task Task create or update

Task Field > Action Category is one of: 

Employee Wellness Alert, Employee Wellness Action, Location Alert, Location Action

PagerDuty Action: Create New Incident

In Service: (your PagerDuty service from above)

Incident Title Field: Subject

2 WDC ack to PD Task Task create or update

Task Field > Status is one of:

In Progress, Waiting on someone else, Deferred

PagerDuty Action > Acknowledge Incident
3 WDC resolve to PD Task Task create or update Task Field > Status equals Completed PagerDuty Action > Resolve Incident
4 PD ack to WDC Task PagerDuty incident create or update PagerDuty Field > Event Type equals Acknowledge Set Task Field Value: Status: In Progress
5 PD resolve to WDC Task PagerDuty incident create or update PagerDuty Field > Event Type equals Resolve Set Task Field Value: Status: Completed

Add the PagerDuty Operations Feed component to the Workplace Command Center

  1. In the Workplace Command Center Home page, click on the Setup gear icon, then click on Edit Page.
  2. Drag the PagerDuty component from the left side of the Lightning App Builder screen, under Custom, to the third column of the main screen, above the Operations Feed.
  3. Optionally delete the Operations Feed from the page.
  4. Click Save, then Activate.
  5. Choose the App and Profile tab, then choose Command Center to make the new page the default home for Workplace Command Center.
  6. Click Close, then Back.
  7. Tasks in the PagerDuty Operations Feed will now show PagerDuty status information when they are linked to a PagerDuty incident.



Can you create incidents in different PagerDuty services depending on specific information in a Task?

Yes. You can create multiple rules for your evaluation conditions, select that you want to “Create an incident on a service in PagerDuty”, and select the relevant PagerDuty service to notify. For example, you could have a rule to create an incident in the “location alerts” service in PagerDuty if the Action Category is Location Alert, or a rule to create incidents in different services depending on the specific location relevant to the Task.

What kind of permissions do users need to use this integration?

If you use custom permissions in Salesforce, you will need to ensure that agents have the correct permissions to use and access the PagerDuty integration. There are 4 permission sets included in the managed package that can be given to users.

PagerDutyAdministrator PagerDutyConfiguration read, write
PagerDutyIncident Mapping read, create, edit, delete
PagerDutyRules & Rulesets read, create, edit, delete
PagerDutyConfiguration Tab on
PagerDutyAuditor PagerDutyConfiguration read
PagerDutyIncident Mapping read
PagerDutyRules & Rulesets read
PagerDutyConfiguration Tab on
PagerDutyManager PagerDutyConfiguration read
PagerDutyIncident Mapping read, create, edit, delete
PagerDutyRules & Rulesets read, create, edit, delete
PagerDutyConfiguration Tab on
PagerDutyUser PagerDutyConfiguration read
PagerDutyIncident Mapping read, create, edit
PagerDutyRules & Rulesets read
PagerDutyConfiguration Tab off


If you do not want to add permission sets to your users, you may check their profiles and ensure the profiles have similar object permissions for their user type. 

How can I troubleshoot my integration?

We have provided a logging tool to help troubleshoot problems in the integration. Under the LOGGER tab in the PagerDuty Configuration, you can turn on logging by selecting one of the following levels and clicking Save:



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