Automated On-Call Access Management with Opal and PagerDuty

Managing on-call access is challenging. Engineering teams are struggling between security risks from over-provisioned access and wasted effort from manual work. With Opal’s integration with PagerDuty, companies can automatically grant privileged access to engineers during an incident and revoke access when the on-call schedule is over. Sensitive developer access can be easily time-bounded with clear audit logs.

Benefits of the Opal and PagerDuty Integration

  • Automatic privilege escalation and revocation

    Opal enables DevOps teams to manage privileged on-call permissions in a secure and automated manner. With the PagerDuty integration, Opal will automatically grant and revoke permissions via on-call schedules.

  • Fine-grained permissions

    Using Opal’s identity protocol, the platform natively integrates with cloud infrastructure and grants fine-grained access, such as cluster admin for Kubernetes or owner for Gitlab repos. Engineers should only have the necessary permissions during an on-call incident.

  • Comprehensive audit logs

    Opal logs all access grants and revocations. With Opal, admins can keep a centralized log of all access-related activities.

Learn More About Opal

Opal secures the identity perimeter for modern enterprises. With Opal, security teams can prioritize risk, delegate management across the company, and measure impact across security, productivity, and compliance.


Opal Resources

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