
New! Automatically Resolve Email Incidents with Email Parsing

by David Shackelford December 17, 2014 | 2 min read

Our newest feature, Email Parsing, enables you to automatically resolve incidents from your email integrations. With this feature, you can now automatically resolve email incidents, and you can add custom text from the emails into the incident. This helps keep everybody in the loop when your systems recover, as well as improves the accuracy of resolution time reporting.


How it Works

To automatically resolve email incidents, you’ll want to set up your monitoring service to send an email at the onset of an incident (Trigger Emails) as well as when the system returns to normal (Recovery Emails).  These two sets of emails are linked by an Incident Key, a unique identifier shared between these two emails– often the name of the host, server, or application experiencing the problem.

To parse emails, you need to add rules that tell PagerDuty whether an email is a trigger or a recovery email, as well as where to find the incident key to match them up. You can find an in-depth guide on doing this here.


With email parsing, you can also add custom fields to an incident and update them throughout the lifecycle of the incident. These fields will appear in the incident details table, and are a great way to get useful information out of the email and displayed front-and-center for responders.


You can find a guide on how to use these email parsers here. Have a guide you’d like us to write? Let us know!