
Zoidberg, hack days and pagers…hello PagerDuty!

by Nisha Ahluwalia January 28, 2014 | 2 min read

Nisha_Blog_PhotoMonthly Hack days. One that resulted in t-shirts with a built-in buzzer. Video game night. Whiskey Wednesdays. A fully stocked snack area called SnackDuty. An authentic, wicked smart culture that is simply amazing. The opportunity to pay homage to the old school pager in a very new school, empowering way. And, conference rooms named after the eclectic characters from Matt Groening’s Futurama.

This is the place I now call my second home.

Hello PagerDuty community! I’m Nisha and I recently joined the company to help the world see how PagerDuty literally makes the lives of IT, developers and operations better. I am delighted and honored to be part of this accomplished, humble, and awesomely geeky team.


On that last point, I have to confess that the down to earth geek culture at PagerDuty was a big selling point for me. I’m a marketer by profession and a geek by disposition. I think I’ve undergone all the rites of passage to geekdom — from growing up as a gamer child, coding computer games for college projects, majoring in computer science, to marrying a fellow techie. Note: I still have some self-imposed geek goals like teaching my son how to code by the time he’s five.

I think working with the smart folks at PagerDuty is going to increase my geek quotient. Alex, Andrew, Baskar, and team: thanks for having me. I look forward to contributing to PagerDuty’s efforts to empower heroes in IT, development, and operations.

And a quick shout out to my fellow PagerDutettes…ladies are pimps too. Go on get your pager on.

BTW, we’re hiring!