
Meet the Web Team at PagerDuty

by Angela Chapman December 6, 2013 | 3 min read

Our Web team strives to bring an amazing PagerDuty experience to our customers. They are responsible for making our customer facing features reliable, fast and intuitive. Recently, they were responsible for the launch of our new mobile app.

amy chantasirivisal As the Web Engineering Manager at PagerDuty, Amy Chantasirivisal makes sure the web/product team provides a reliable, fast, and intuitive experience for our customers. She loves helping people realize their full potential, and boasts that she once inspired someone to move across the country to work for her.
Your boxing walk-out song would be: The Tetris theme song
If you knew then what you knew now, what would your senior quote be: “Everything that happens to you now may seem like a life crisis, but you’ll look back on it and laugh; I promise.”
Who would win in an Ultimate Showdown: Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones
greg hoin Greg Hoin is the User Experience Engineer and Product Designer at PagerDuty. He researches user needs, prototypes, designs, and helps build our awesome product. He’s most satisfied when he receives feedback from happy customers.
Favorite karaoke song: “Hey ya” by Outkast. Though, it takes a lot of alcohol to get me to sing karaoke… and a lot of courage for others to withstand it.
If you met Leonardo da Vinci at a bar, what drink would you order: It would have to be red wine… cocktails weren’t very common during his time.
You are unbeatable at: Recognizing typefaces
will bronitsky Professionally, Will Bronitsky is most proud of changing careers to be a Software Engineer. Now that he’s working for PagerDuty, he enjoys going to concerts, watching the Giants, Niners, Warriors and Golden Bears play, reading and eating at different restaurants.
If you could have a drink with anyone who would it be and what drink would you order:  Alexander Hamilton, and I would have what he was having
Favorite karaoke song: “Sexy Back” by Justin Timberlake
You are unbeatable at: Settlers of Catan
daniel ribeiro Daniel Ribeiro is a “hacker” at PagerDuty. He works on all the things users interact with, including Android and iPhone apps, API, developer sites or web interfaces.
You are unbeatable at: Hating every single software ever made. I mean, Bret Victor is right…?
What are you the most proud of in regards to your professional career: Hacking a Minecraft mod in Clojure
If you could change your senior quote from high school, it would be: You are not adding this Timing Attack vulnerability to the system.
clay smith According to Clay Smith, he is PagerDuty’s resident bartender, with a focus on spirit-driven pre-prohibition cocktails.
Your favorite sports team: The Springfield Isotopes
When you’re not diligently working at PagerDuty you like to: Not be on-call
You’re unbeatable at: Short biographies
steve rice At PagerDuty, Steve Rice sweats the details of the way we implement features and functionality that are important to our customers. He wrangles all the pieces of our web stack to develop simple solutions to complex problems.
If you were a professional boxer, what would be your walk-out song: “She Blinded me with Science” by Thomas Dolby
When you’re not diligently working at PagerDuty you like to: Hike, climb mountains, drive fast on an open road and enjoy the intimate solitude of nature.
You’re unbeatable at: Halo 1