
Incident Resolution Workflows with PagerDuty and Microsoft Flow

by David Hayes November 3, 2016 | 3 min read

The Microsoft Flow platform, which launched Oct 31, now supports the creation of automated workflows between PagerDuty and other tools to maximize productivity for IT Ops, help desk, and developer teams. With the powerful combination of the PagerDuty Platform and Microsoft Flow, IT teams can now customize new ways of getting notified and responding to incidents across their application and infrastructure  stacks.


Leverage Pre-built PagerDuty Flow Templates

Flow is a powerful platform that allows users to bring together dozens of tools with a graphical programming language. It made sense for the Flow team to partner with PagerDuty, the agile incident management solution that integrates with ITOps and DevOps monitoring stacks to improve operational reliability and agility. The Flow and PagerDuty teams have collaborated to bring you out-of-the-box templates that simplify connections between PagerDuty and your favorite Microsoft tools for a great user experience.

Check out these exciting examples of what you can automate and what they look like in action — and try them out for yourself today! 


» Keep stakeholders informed on incidents via Yammer

Leverage this workflow template to automatically post PagerDuty incidents to a Yammer group and keep the right stakeholders informed on critical incidents with incident title, link, and urgency.


» Track follow-up tasks from an incident in Sharepoint or Trello

With this workflow template, resolved PagerDuty incidents can automatically trigger the creation of an item or follow-up task in SharePoint or Trello for a post-mortem.

» Translate your incidents for faster response with Microsoft Translator

Do you have global teams or ever get slowed down by language barriers? With this template, an incident description can automatically be translated via Microsoft Translator and attached as a note within the PagerDuty incident, enabling faster response across international teams.


» Subscribe to RSS feeds from key providers to keep tabs on issues

Always be in the know if one of your providers may be experiencing issues. Subscribe to RSS feeds from the key providers you depend on, and this flow will automatically trigger a PagerDuty incident if any encounter problems.

Building Custom Flows to Connect PagerDuty to More Services

pagerduty-microsoft-flow-custom-flowsEasily integrate any app or service with PagerDuty via Flow to optimize your incident management workflows. You can leverage the pre-built templates above today or easily create additional flows from scratch. Simply search for a “trigger,” paste in the API key for that service, add the action or condition you’d like to tie to that trigger, and hit save.

The partnership with Microsoft Flow enables an endless number of ways you can connect PagerDuty to other applications and customize your workflows. Learn more about this partnership at the Microsoft Flow blog.

Get started today on building custom flows or leverage out-of-the-box templates to help drive down incident response times. We look forward to hearing your thoughts as well as new ideas!