
Make Some Noise with Our Custom Alert Sound Contest @pagerduty @AWSreinvent #PickYourPage

by Sam Lewis September 15, 2015 | 2 min read


Ever Wanted to Make Your Own Custom Alert Sound?

We always knew we had a creative community, but once we heard the most adorable on-call tale there ever was, we wanted to see what else our users could make.

We’re excited to announce our first-ever custom alert sound contest! Beginning September 21, 2015, we will accept submissions for a chance to be included as an alert sound in our mobile app. We have a great community, and we want to see them get creative. Or ironic. Or immature. Songs, clever noises, avant-garde recordings of one hand clapping – all are welcome. Send us your best creation.

Submissions will be accepted from September 21 – October 2. Voting will run from October 5-8. The winner will be announced at AWS re:Invent in October and included in the November release. Send your submissions to

In addition to having their alert noise added to the app, the winner of our contest will receive a Jambox . Every person who votes in the contest will also be added to a drawing for one of two custom Jamboxes. May the best alert noise win!

Alert sounds can be a maximum of 30 seconds in length, but keep in mind that the best sounds are short and sweet. And make sure it’s something you own the rights to; no stealing, please. Happy creating, guys! #pickyourpage
