
We’re Excited to Announce 4 New PagerDuty Partners!

by Vivian Au November 13, 2013 | 4 min read

We’re committed to providing a seamless and user friendly experience when using PagerDuty with your existing products. While PagerDuty can integrate with all your existing monitoring tools through our Generic Email API, integrating with tools allows us to send alerts through new channels and exchange data with your preferred business tools.

Today, we’re excited to announce our latest partnerships with AppFirst, Pulseway (formerly PC Monitor), Lyatiss CloudWeaver and Slack!

Integrate PagerDuty with AppFirst

AppFirst_logoAppFirst provides complete IT Operational Insight through system-wide data collection, normalization and correlation of metrics at the intersection of your apps and infrastructure.

According to AppFirst, a large number of their current and prospective customers have asked for their data sets to integrate with PagerDuty’s alerting, on-call schedule and incident tracking.

With AppFirst’s ability to understand how every application component interacts with other components and the underlying infrastructure, we can now feed that mission-critical data into PagerDuty’s alerting platform. This ensures our team is better prepared to handle issues, schedule on-call duties and escalate the proper alerts to the right people. – CRM Software customer of AppFirst and PagerDuty

To integrate AppFirst with PagerDuty you can read our AppFirst Integration Guide

Integrate PagerDuty with Pulseway (formerly PC Monitor)

PC_Monitor_logoPulseway lets you monitor and control everything IT from any smartphone or tablet. Currently, Pulseway estimates that about 100 customers have requested an integration with PagerDuty.

According to Pulseway,  integrating with PagerDuty adds great value to their customers by providing alerting, on-call scheduling and incident tracking to their complete monitoring solution.

We believe that PagerDuty service provides a great addition to our notification system allowing our common users to be the first to know about any issue affecting their critical systems before their customer know. — Marius Mihalec, CEO & Founder of MMSOFT Design Ltd.

To integrate Pulseway with PagerDuty you can read the Pulseway Integration Guide

Integrate PagerDuty with Lyatiss CloudWeaver

Lyatiss_logoLyatiss CloudWeaver is a distributed infrastructure management service which empowers cloud users with new actionable visibility, control and scalability over their virtual infrastructure to improve end-user experiences. And with over 60% of their customers asking for an integration with PagerDuty, the decision was obvious!

Every DevOps professional uses PagerDuty today and CloudWeaver is a key infrastructure solution for DevOps. It makes sense for the two solutions to be integrated. — Ankit Agarwal Vice President, Product at Lyatiss

According to Lyatiss, reliability is huge for their customers’ end users who are hitting their APIs 24/7. CloudWeaver gives them crucial insight into the latencies in their infrastructure so they can quickly isolate bottlenecks and remedy issues.

PagerDuty is their customers’ preferred solution for receiving alerts and managing incidents. Lyatiss calls the PagerDuty integration a “must-have” as PagerDuty centralizes all of their alerts and reduces the number of systems they have to activity monitor.

To integrate Lyatiss with PagerDuty you can read the Lyatiss Integration Guide

Integrate PagerDuty with Slack

slack_logoSlack brings all your communication together in one place. They provide real-time messaging, archiving and search for modern teams. Slack hopes that integrating with PagerDuty will help support their goal to bring all team communication into one place.

PagerDuty provides the right features that make it easy for us to send reliable notifications when something breaks. It’s easy to do automatic escalation and really beats having to cobbling something together on our own. We’ve used it on a number of projects now and it’s always proven reliable. – Myles Grant, engineer at Slack

Slack expects their customers to embrace the integration now that it’s available. Slack currently uses the integration themselves to make sure that the right person is contacted to handle any errors in their essential IT systems to keep their business running and customers happy.

PagerDuty helps Slack deliver on the promise of minimal drama. Slack customers rely on their product to communicate internally and need Slack to be reliable and trustworthy to ensure their success. According to Slack, PagerDuty helps make them be more happy and successful, more importantly it makes their customers happy and successful.

To integrate Slack with PagerDuty you can read the Slack Integration Guide