
Case For: Alerts via Push Notification

by Owen Kim January 7, 2014 | 2 min read

icon_mobile_greenPush Notifications are the best way to get an alert when something is wrong in your system because they deliver the an easily digestible and actionable experience on right on your phone.

When you receive a push notification, you can open the PagerDuty mobile app from your phone to check the urgency of your incident before whipping out your laptop at the bar.

With SMS alerts it’s easy to throw your phone back in your pocket and wait to acknowledge an incident until you have a moment to set up your Mi-Fi and boot up your laptop. While you may recognize the phone number of an phone alert and not even listen to the alert before spending time logging into PagerDuty from a computer.

A Mobile Experience without Limits

With PagerDuty’s mobile app you can see incident details, acknowledge, resolve or reassign incidents via push notifications. The push notification becomes a quick portal into the mobile app to let you take action quickly then begin to resolve incidents or, if necessary, escalate them to another team member.

Fastest Way to Respond to an Incident

In just a few quick taps, push notifications are the quickest way to acknowledge that you are working on an incident. Other alerting methods have limitations when you try and go beyond the standing alerting functionality.

Wakes You Up, Not Your Partner

Phone calls are loud. They may be needed to wake you up in the middle of the night when you are in a deep sleep, but that also means your partner is waking up too. Push Notifications are much more subtle than phone calls, just enough to wake you up without disturbing everyone else around you.

PagerDuty’s mobile app was specifically designed for that 3:00 AM use case, so it’s accessible and easy to navigate as soon as you receive a push notification.

Which alerting methods’ court do you stand in? Let us know in the comments.