
Cherwell & PagerDuty: Getting Real (Time) About Digital Transformation

by Ayla Anderson November 20, 2019 | 3 min read

Digital transformation may be the largest shift the IT industry will experience in a lifetime. It’s a term used throughout the tech industry and in various contexts. Gartner defines it as “…anything from IT modernization (for example, cloud computing), to digital optimization, to the invention of new digital business models,” which has massive implications for almost every organization.

Gartner reported earlier this year that 87% of senior business leaders say digitalization is a company priority and 79% of corporate strategists say it is reinventing their business—creating new revenue streams in new ways. “Reinventing.” That’s big.

As two companies sitting in the middle of this epic change, Cherwell and PagerDuty both offer solutions that enable customers to rapidly, and—if desired—radically transform their businesses to keep pace with the increasing digitalization of the competition and customer expectations.

PagerDuty’s Rob Lee, Senior Director of Business Development, talkS about collaboration between PagerDuty and Cherwell at Clear 2019, Cherwell’s global user group conference 

As organizations across all industries and sectors continue to transform and modernize their digital operations, real-time response is a necessity, not a luxury. That’s one of the reasons we’ve chosen to partner with PagerDuty. Real-time response is not just about speed; it’s about how we can make it easier for customers to safeguard key assets and resources within the enterprise.   

Cherwell is dedicated to providing solutions that enable organizations to more rapidly digitalize their processes—resulting in more efficient operations, improved employee experience, and positive business outcomes. The benefits of service management include:

  • Elevating the self-service experience: An adaptive, responsive design makes it simple to create custom portals without coding.
  • Automating any business process: Drag-and-drop functionality enables fast application design and execution without specialized resources.
  • Act on data insights: Real-time dynamic dashboarding puts performance on display to facilitate decision-making.
  • Connect your tech stack: Through APIs and established integrations, services can integrate into any system or application without issue

By offering an integration with PagerDuty, Cherwell adds real-time collaboration to these fundamentals. Customers can increase productivity, protect revenue, and better manage processes end to end. With this integration, you will be able to:

  1. Reduce mean time to respond: Notify the right on-call staff immediately via phone call, SMS, email, or push notification—depending on the severity of the incident—and automate escalations to ensure an incident is never missed.
  2. Reduce mean time to repair: Easily embed remediation instructions, recruit additional responders, and extend collaboration workflows to all incidents to drive down resolution times.
  3. Learn and improve: Create and track follow-up work items to enable continuous improvement  for the future.
  4. Minimize noise: Centralize and correlate all of your system alerts from Cherwell and other systems into PagerDuty to better understand overall application health as it relates to critical services and business impact.

Learn more about the Cherwell integration in PagerDuty’s integration directory. You can request a demo of Cherwell’s service management solution here.

About the Author

Ayla Anderson manages the technology alliance partner program at Cherwell Software, focusing on building a network of partnerships and integrations that meet the digital transformation needs of customers. Through these partnerships, Cherwell helps customers achieve business outcomes, become more efficient, and improve employee experience. Ayla holds an MBA from Florida State University.