
Defending the Bird: Product Security Engineering at Twitter

by Vivian Au July 23, 2014 | 5 min read

Alex Smolen, Software Engineer at Twitter, recently spoke to our DevOps Meetup group at PagerDuty HQ about the philosophies and best practices his teams follow to maintain a high level of security for their 255+ million monthly active users.

Security in a Fast-Moving Environment: The Challenges

Twitter is one of the world’s most widely used social networks and they are continuing to add users at a steady clip.

While Twitter’s growth is exciting, it also poses challenges from a security standpoint. Because so many people count on Twitter to deliver real-time news and information, it’s a constant target for hackers. Two past incidents illustrate why Twitter security matters:

  • When The Associated Press’ account (@AP) was compromised and a tweet was sent about a nonexistent bombing, it drove down the stock market that day
  • When spam was sent from Barack Obama’s account, Twitter received an FTC consent decree related to information security

Twitter’s fast growth also demands lots of infrastructure investment, which forces the company’s security team to move quickly. The site was established as a Rails app, but it’s since been switched to a Scala-based architecture. That change demanded all-new tools and techniques regarding security.

Plus, Alex noted the security team is responsible for many other apps that they have acquired on top of Twitter itself.

The First Step in Securing Twitter: Automation

Automation is one of the strategies that both PagerDuty and Twitter use to optimize for security. The driving force behind automation at Twitter is a desire to employ creativity or judgment in everything the engineering team does.

“When we’re doing something and we think it’s tedious, we try to figure out a way to automate it.” – Alex Smolen, Software Engineer, Twitter

It was at one of Twitter’s Hack Weeks, which is like a big science fair, where the issue of automation first arose. From those initial efforts, the security team created a central place to manage information and run both static and dynamic analyses on security.

Automation helps Twitter’s engineers find security issues early on in the development process. When security problems do crop up, Twitter’s automation tools – in concert with PagerDuty’s operations performance platform – help assign incidents to the right people, so problems get solved more quickly.

One example is a program called Brakeman, which is run against Rails apps and shows all of the vulnerabilities in the apps’ code. If a vulnerability is discovered, the developer is alerted so they can get to the issue quickly. The goal is to close the loop as fast as possible, since the later something is discovered, the more complex and expensive resolve.

Other tools include Coffee Break for Java scripting and Phantom Gang, which dynamically scans Twitter’s live site. As with Brakeman, issues are assigned to the right on-call person for the job.

The Second Step: Robust Code Review Process

Security not just the security team’s responsibility but is owned by many engineers. There are also specific teams that deal with spam and abuse.

On the theme of shared accountability, Twitter’s developers are encouraged to work out security kinks early on in the code-development process. For sensitive code, as soon as code gets submitted the code also gets a security review. Devs can also use a self-serve form to request the security team’s input.

The security engineering team keeps itself accountable with the help of a homebuilt dashboard showing which reviews need to be done. Once upon a time, Twitter’s security engineers used roshambo to assign code reviews, but as their team scaled they now run a script to randomly assign code reviews.

“Roshambo is really hard to do over Skype.”

The Third Step: Designing Around Users

Twitter users, all 200-plus-million of them, have a vested interest in the site remaining secure. For that reason, some of Twitter’s security measures are customized for specific use cases.

One is two-factor authentication, which has been available on Twitter for some time. Initially, it was SMS-based; today, there is a natively built version that can generate a private key to sign login requests.

Another user-facing measure is an emphasis on SSL. Twitter was one of the first major services to require 100% SSL. Yet because many sites still allow the use of non-SSL connections, Alex’s team has built in HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which requires users to visit the SSL version of the site. Another strategy in use is certificate pinning. If someone tries accessing Twitter with a forged certificate, the native client won’t accept it.

Ultimately, Alex said, security is about enabling people – both users and Twitter’s own engineers. Given that Twitter’s security team represents about 1% of all the engineers in the company, keeping Twitter secure isn’t easy. But with the right processes and tools, those engineers can do their jobs effectively and keep Twitter humming.

Watch Alex’s full presentation here:

Stay tuned for blog posts around the other two security meetup presentations from Stephen Lee (Okta) and our very own Evan Gilman.