
DevOps with iPhones Might Be Lazier Than Android Users

by Tony Albanese December 11, 2013 | 2 min read

Here is some food for thought, we learned that Android users resolve incidents in their IT environments up to 52% faster than iPhone users.

Mobile has been on our mind with the release of our new Android and iPhone mobile apps. We’ve been curious on whether a user’s device preference correlated with how they may use PagerDuty and maintain their IT environments. To feed our hunger we did a little research to see if there are any inherent differences between owners of these two operating systems.

For transparency sake, this data is comprised entirely of PagerDuty customers who have either our Android or iPhone mobile app linked to their account. However, to be included in this data you did not have to resolve the incident from your mobile device.

Breaking Down Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) by Device Preference

Android users resolve incidents significantly faster than their iPhone counterparts.  Looking at the chart below, we can clearly see a significant difference in Android and iPhone users’ Mean Time to Repair.

Android Users vs iPhone Users MTTR (in minutes)


Lets break this down. Android users resolve incidents 52% faster than iPhone users, when there are no filters for the amount of time required to resolve an incident. Android users had a MTTR of 119 minutes, 52% faster than iPhone user’s 225 minute MTTR.

However, the story becomes a bit muddier when we place filters for the time frame in which incidents are resolved. For incidents that take 24 hours or less to be resolved there is only a 20% difference between users of the two operating systems. We find that in this 24 hour window, Android users clock in at 42 minutes versus iPhone’s 48 minutes.

Further, when we filter down to incidents that take less than 1 hour to resolve the reported difference between the two device holders is only 1 second. Android users were still faster, but only by a hair.

Are engineers with iPhone’s lazier than their Android counterparts or is there another untold explanation for these results? Let us know what you think in the comments.