
Announcing PagerDuty Community

by Community Team June 15, 2017 | 3 min read

PagerDuty CommunityToday is a big day for us here at PagerDuty: We’re publicly announcing the Public Beta launch of our Community. We’ve actually been working on this project for quite some time, and now it’s finally ready for everyone to join.

For us, the word “community” means so much more than just a forum platform. Forums, of course, play an instrumental role in building of a community, but what really makes a community flourish are the people in it, and the exciting things that they do together.

We see our community forums today as just a foundation to many efforts that PagerDuty wants to bring to life. Right now, you can already do quite a few useful things on there: ask (or answer) a technical question, discuss one of our blog posts, share your best practices and lessons learned from failures of various magnitudes, and find out which events you can meet our community team at or just check out some cool conference talks and slides.

We’ve also created a dedicated engineering blog where the developers behind the PagerDuty product share technical articles aimed at DevOps practitioners.

To kick off the launch of the PagerDuty Community in style, we’re hosting an AMA session with Charity Majors, who will be hanging out with Alex and Eric at the PagerDuty headquarters, answering your questions in real-time from 1:30-2:30 pm PDT. Submit your question right now!

If you have relevant content of your own — talks, tutorials, blog posts and such — please do share it with the community by posting it in one of our forums!

You can also apply to join one of our Early Access programs, which we’ll be announcing in the aptly named “Early Access” forum category. Check it out — we’re looking for participants.

Excited yet? Well, go check out the PagerDuty Community right now. We’ll wait.

Oh, one last thing: We’ve integrated the community platform with our account system, so you can use your credentials to sign in. Or you can use one of your existing social media accounts to join. Or create a whole new account with an email and password of your choice. Whatever makes you happy.

As we’ve said, PagerDuty Community is currently in Beta. This means that things will change, usually for the better, as we get closer to the general availability release in a few months’ time. We are actively inviting your  feedback and ideas so that we can make the PagerDuty Community the best it can be.

See you there!