
PagerDuty Summit 2016: The Path to Digital Transformation

by Manish Kalra September 13, 2016 | 4 min read

pagerduty-summitIt all started with an idea.

Let’s do something amazing for our users, our community, and our industry. Let’s deliver a conference — but not a vendor-centered, eight-hour product pitch. Let’s do something new and unique where attendees can take away a world of experience in just one day to make an impactful change as they transform their operations environment — and let’s do it for free.

This idea became PagerDuty Summit, and today in San Francisco we break the vendor mold and deliver something new and market-leading.

Summit is designed to help any organization, PagerDuty customer or not, get the guidance they need to deliver on their digital transformation efforts. It’s designed to offer a roadmap that will help you see what you need to do, or what changes are needed to be made to get on the right path to transform and build a modern ops environment. With an amazing lineup of speakers, panelists, and industry titans, PagerDuty Summit offers attendees the knowledge they need to break away and help their teams and companies succeed.

It Begins with an Amazing Content

Summit kicks off with amazing content presented by industry leaders delivering key insights that will educate attendees on the direction of the DevOP and IT Ops world.

  • Jennifer Tejada, CEO PagerDuty — Jennifer gets the day started with her key insights on what organizations are doing to transform their environments and the role that PagerDuty is playing to keep operations running smoothly.
  • Gene Kim, Author, Researcher, and Founder of IT Evolution— Gene continues the high energy momentum, by delivering key insights from his seventeen-year journey of studying high-performing technology organizations. This session will definitely shed light on the direction you must take if you’re thinking about implementing a DevOps strategy.
  • Maynard Webb, Chairman of the Board, Yahoo!— Maynard wraps up the morning by delivering an amazing fireside chat detailing his insights on what he has done to build some of the most recognized names in tech and share his thoughts on where the industry is headed.

After we wrap up an amazing morning, we will shift into delivering industry leading content from Google, IBM, Splunk, Dropbox, SPS Commerce, Twilio, FlapJack and Operable — all in one day, at one venue.

But What About the Product

We didn’t want Summit to turn into an all day talk about PagerDuty features but we realized that interest does exist around what we have been working on over the last few months. At Summit we launched the following new features that organizations can try out immediately:

  • Live Call Routing: Available to PagerDuty’s enterprise edition customers, Live Call Routing allows anyone inside the organization to directly reach the operations team to report a problem by simply calling a number. Calls get routed via the same on-call schedules and escalation policies in place, and ability to report incidents in real-times helps restore service faster.
  • Response Notes: Available to all customer, this capability ensures that all relevant context and human generated data around incidents are captured and time stamped, creating a clear a timeline of the actions taken and  the people involved. Response Notes delivers clear visibility on the current status of incidents, a historical record for post mortems and reduction in future resolution times.
  • Workflow Extensions: Building on PagerDuty’s ecosystem of over 175 native integrations, organizations can now configure operational workflows between PagerDuty and other 3rd party solutions for the bi-directional flow of information that helps provide consistent information to disparate teams and services for faster incident resolution.

Let’s Not Forget Our Partners

We wouldn’t be anywhere without the support of our partners. Today at Summit, four of our incredible partners are on-site demonstrating the amazing value they bring to organizations globally.

A special thanks goes out to Gold Sponsor Amazon Web Services, and Silver Sponsors, Datadog and Threat Stack for the support they have provided and the world class solutions that will be exhibiting at Summit.

Stay Tuned

PagerDuty Summit was an idea, that became a reality today to help organizations build a better operational environment and transform their business. We kick off this morning with high energy and excitement and can’t wait for the day to unfold — there’s plenty more in store! We hope you enjoy the ride! Don’t forget to follow the conversation on Twitter @PagerDuty for live-tweeting of sessions, contests, and more.

We’ll also be posting more content on the blog throughout the week related to sessions and feature deep-dives into all the newly announced features, so be sure to check back often.