
What a Year of Transformation Looks Like at PagerDuty

by Alli Rubach March 1, 2017 | 3 min read

One year ago today, I embarked on my most exciting adventure yet — PagerDuty.

Here in the valley, it’s truly amazing what can be achieved in a year for a software startup like PagerDuty. When I started last February, I was an Enterprise Business Representative and the company felt like a greenfield of untouched opportunity. The mentality and inclusive culture is what first grabbed my attention while I was interviewing. When I started my first day of work I was welcomed with a warm, open hug from the recruiting coordinator, who is now one of my best friends, and suddenly I found myself surrounded by some of the most intelligent people I’ve come across in San Francisco. That first day would set the stage for what I would experience each day.

Over the past year, PagerDuty has transformed from a small start up to a “rocket ship.” Jennifer Tejada, our CEO, joined the team and hired on technology veterans and visionaries like herself to drive PagerDuty to the top. What I appreciate most about the PagerDuty team is how they have kept the company values a priority: maintaining culture, employee happiness, and creating a DevOps community for not only our customers but for passionate thought leaders in our space.

It’s no surprise why PagerDuty supports the developer, DevOps, IT operations and line of business community with such strong efforts. Last summer, I had the opportunity to attend DevOps days Minneapolis and while working the booth, one message stayed constant: “thank you.” Customers from leading retailers consistently thanked us for making their on-call life manageable; PagerDuty is helping engineers achieve a work-life balance so they can enjoy time with their family and friends even while being on-call.

The community that the PagerDuty founders have created and maintained makes me proud to work for such an innovative group of DevOps customers around the world. Meeting these customers first hand has been eye-opening and an experience that has motivated me to learn more about their community and how we can best enable them to continue to innovate with their teams.

My time at PagerDuty  has been an opportunity I am thankful to be apart of every single day. Opportunity is always knocking at every corner here, whether it’s in career development, mentorship or trying something new.  Of course, things aren’t always cut and dry, and processes aren’t always set in place but that’s what makes it fun and exciting day in and day out. It’s what makes the start-up experience challenging and one I’m thankful to be part of.

Over the past 12 months, we have welcomed new leadership, new faces, new processes, and new traditions.  
A year ago today, we were an incident response tool and now PagerDuty is forging a new path as a Digital Operations Management Platform. For me personally, as I step into my new role as the Business Development Manager for Executive Briefings, the opportunity of being apart of a company rising as the consistent market leader is truly priceless. This is only the beginning of the success for PagerDuty, and I can’t wait to see what is yet to come!

Interested in making an impact? Come join us!