Across industries globally, efficiency has bubbled up as a top need for organizations to save money, boost productivity, and grow revenue while improving customer experience….

| In Uncategorized

90% of IT leaders reported that outages or disruption have reduced customer trust in their organization Digital incidents are on the rise, lasting longer and…

| In Operations Cloud, Reliability

Operational resilience is an organization’s ability to predict, respond to, and prevent unplanned work to drive reliable customer experiences and protect revenue-at-risk. Resilience is measured…

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation become commonplace in the modern enterprise, it’s key for IT professionals at all levels to understand the terms used…

Achieving and sustaining operational excellence is a cornerstone for any organization, as it unlocks the key to long-term growth: the ability to deliver reliable and…

Fortune 1,000 Technology Executives Maintain a Distrust of GenAI – Security Risks & Ethics Keep them Up At Night Survey: 98%* Paused GenAI to Establish…

ServiceOps is a people-centric, technology-enabled approach to frictionless collaboration between IT service (ITSM) and IT operations teams for more effective incident management. By leveraging the…

| In DevOps

In the world of software development and IT operations, two prominent methodologies have emerged: SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) and DevOps. These methodologies play a pivotal…

| In DevOps

In the ever-evolving world of software development, companies face the constant challenge of choosing the right architectural approach for their applications. Among the most debated…

| In DevOps

Every business is now a digital business, regardless of the industry it serves. This means companies need to work harder and faster to ensure constant…

| In AIOps

AIOps, or Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations, is a transformative approach that combines artificial intelligence and machine learning with traditional IT operations management. It leverages…

| In AIOps

AIOps, or Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations, is a transformative approach that combines artificial intelligence and machine learning with traditional IT operations to enhance efficiency,…

| In Downtime, Monitoring

The rise of Software as a Service (SaaS) as an operating model where software is centrally hosted and licensed on a subscription basis has fundamentally…

| In Incident Management & Response

Incident Response Automation is the practice of using rule-based logic and/or machine learning to streamline the incident response process. Teams may use it to automate…

| In Incident Management & Response

Things break. It’s a fact of life and of building and maintaining technology systems. And when things do break, organizations need an incident response process…

A war room is a place (either in-person or virtual) where responders and stakeholders can gather to work through a major incident. When a major…

| In CI/CD, DevOps

Your customers are waiting. They’re eagerly anticipating much-needed changes to your application, and you don’t want them to wait any longer. Enter Continuous Deployment. Continuous…

| In Agile

Introduction As described by the Scrum Guide, a Scrum is a framework or working container for developing and sustaining complex products whose principles can be…