
PagerDuty Expands Japanese Presence by Signing Local Market Leader JIG-SAW

by Steven Chung July 31, 2018 | 2 min read

As part of PagerDuty’s international expansion, we are delighted to announce that JIG-SAW, a leading technology services company in Japan, has joined the PagerDuty partner network. This partnership will support Japanese companies in implementing digital operations management, powered together by JIG-SAW and PagerDuty solutions, to help these businesses to grow revenue, reduce costs, and improve service levels. By “digital operations management,” we mean implementing, optimizing, and supporting mission-critical digital assets and processes, such as e-commerce sites, mobile apps, IoT, and other digitally enabled products and services.

Since PagerDuty’s inception in 2009, forward-thinking Japanese businesses like Gree and Panasonic have joined the 10,000+ global companies that rely on PagerDuty to enhance and support digital operations. By combining event data, human response data, and machine learning, PagerDuty delivers real-time, intelligent workflows that can help prevent harmful incidents, such as e-commerce site outages, from impacting the business, as well as orchestrate more efficient and faster responses when issues occur.

JIG-SAW will leverage PagerDuty’s technology and services to help thousands of Japanese customers to improve real-time digital operations. PagerDuty’s platform for action enables IT operations and engineering teams to manage large batches of real-time data originating from multiple systems and make sense of that data, enabling teams to take appropriate actions quickly when there is the threat of downtime or poor-performing services. For example, PagerDuty can help an online retailer execute a one-day “flash sale” with minimal interruptions to optimize revenue generation for that event. Manufacturers using IoT devices can benefit from PagerDuty by detecting process problems and sending alerts to kick off remediation workflows with the right teams in real time. As a “horizontal” solution, PagerDuty can help any real-time digital business improve performance and mitigate risk.

A global leader in digital operations management, PagerDuty was named a Gartner Cool Vendor in 2018 and has a five-year history of supporting customers in the Japanese market. PagerDuty’s partnership with JIG-SAW underscores our commitment to the Asia-Pacific and Japan region to deliver best-in-class cloud services for one of the world’s largest and fastest growing IT markets. This partner agreement will enable PagerDuty’s platform to integrate with JIG-SAW’s own automatic operation platform to enhance operations management capabilities across JIG-SAW’s existing client base.

We look forward to seeing tremendous growth and collaboration from our partnership with JIG-SAW. To learn more about our joint efforts in Japan, please visit