
PagerDuty: Helping Every Business Move to Digital

by PagerDuty March 16, 2021 | 5 min read

Last year, businesses started focusing more on accelerating digital transformation initiatives to meet growing customer expectations and deliver consistent digital experiences from anywhere—no matter the product, service, or industry.

PagerDuty partners with thousands of organizations to help reimagine digital operations and deliver real-time, digital experiences to their customers when it matters most. And while most people think only companies with complex digital infrastructures use PagerDuty, the PagerDuty platform provides value to customers across several different industries.

In reality, any organization with a digital footprint needs a platform that can help manage its digital operations and bring tangible value to both employees and customers alike. In this blog, we share five examples of companies in different industries that use PagerDuty to help ensure their digital services are always on.

Logistics and Transportation

One innovative customer that benefits from using PagerDuty is 1-Stop Connections, a leader in supply-chain innovation that manages port logistics for global freight companies. 1-Stop Connections resolves issues and inefficiencies such as port congestion, paperwork, and productivity issues across the supply chain. The company offers a variety of solutions to help global freight companies minimize downtime and maximize transportation speed for both land and sea travel.

1-Stop Connections uses PagerDuty to help monitor its logistics products, as well as warn support teams when customer-facing issues are detected. They have multiple product teams on call with PagerDuty to maintain product functionality, and, when issues are escalated, the customer support team is notified immediately. This cross-team collaboration and communication helps preserve the customer experience and maintain visibility for the company.

Mental Health Safety

Human Services Center (HSC) is a community behavioral health provider that offers a wealth of services, such as outpatient medical and therapy, partial hospitalization, crisis intervention, housing, and vocational services. However, one of the most time-sensitive services they offer is a 24/7 mental health hotline that they use PagerDuty to maintain.

Individuals calling this hotline are often in very dangerous situations with the potential of harming themselves or others, so it is crucial that they receive help immediately. This means that Human Services Center’s hotline must accurately route these calls and assist callers at all hours of the day. HSC meets this need using a dedicated hotline number and clinicians, along with PagerDuty’s Live Call Routing, scheduling, and escalation policies. Now, clinicians can answer the hotline efficiently from any location, handle multiple concurrent calls, and provide critical assistance around the clock.

Real Estate Law

A real estate law firm uses PagerDuty to improve the customer experience while their employees work in a remote setting. When shelter-in-place orders were first implemented, they saw competing real estate law firms withdraw from in-office, one-on-one client services and recognized a unique opportunity to continue providing specialized services remotely by using PagerDuty.

The firm implemented an on-call schedule for associates to respond to inquiries and ensure time-sensitive, legal matters are quickly handled. The firm also uses PagerDuty’s Live Call Routing to direct customer calls to the correct department based on the customer’s legal needs. With the PagerDuty platform, this law firm has seen an incredible amount of success, quickly becoming an example of how traditional, in-person businesses can thrive in a digital environment.

Solar Energy Forecasting

A solar energy company using PagerDuty provides solar resource assessments and forecasting data to energy and utility companies around the globe by monitoring and recording the energy coming from the sun to predict solar energy yields.

The company uses satellites to capture solar data and hosts the data via an API that customers can subscribe to and access. Companies can then use this information to evaluate how much renewable energy is available in different areas of the world at any given time.

With customers relying on continuous data to predict solar energy levels, the company must ensure its API is functional and available around the clock. To maintain consistent functionality, PagerDuty runs in conjunction with Runscope Monitoring to ensure satellite imagery and the API are always working reliably, so renewable energy companies can be aware of energy expectations in real time.

Student Safety

Another PagerDuty customer focused in the education space created a monitoring system for student online activity. The company’s product uses an innovative design that allows school administrators to utilize artificial intelligence and cloud web filters to look for any sign of nudity, cyberbullying, or suicidal content—and alert teachers immediately.

The company’s platform has already saved over 1,000 lives, so ensuring reliable functionality is crucial to alerting teachers and helping to prevent any future harm to students. Using PagerDuty, the company ensures that its monitoring services will be up and running 100% of the time to help continue saving lives.

Countless businesses need visibility into their incident response processes and the ability to mobilize teams immediately when issues arise. Using PagerDuty, companies of any size can reimagine their digital operations and the customer experience as well.

To learn more about our customers and their PagerDuty success stories, check out our customer page.