
September Partner Spotlight

by Community Team September 30, 2016 | 2 min read

PagerDuty’s technical integration community continues its remarkable growth as we approach over 180 native integrations. This month we welcome a new partner, MxToolbox. MxToolbox is a lightweight, DNS, MX or Whois lookup tool designed to help organizations troubleshoot email issues as well as block easily identifiable SPAM for businesses. Each new technical integration brings something unique to the PagerDuty partner ecosystem and we’re excited to have our friends at MxToolbox on board. Read on to learn a bit about MxToolbox and how they’ve integrated with PagerDuty to trigger, acknowledge, and resolve web infrastructure incidents in PagerDuty.

MxWatch Monitoring from MxToolbox

Improve your uptime

When IT help desk technicians receive a help desk ticket for a bounced message or other similar email error messages, they need to be able to quickly initiate the investigation process. That process involves searching for potential blacklists and other issues. The MxToolbox Monitoring solutions streamline the investigation process and automatically alert you if your domain gets blacklisted — something no marketing team wants to happen, but needs to know about as soon as possible if it does. In addition, MxWatch, MxToolbox’s monitoring solution, plays an important part in managing server uptime and online reputation, and easily identifies blacklists for domains and IP addresses. By constantly monitoring DNS, blacklists, mail servers websites and more, MXWatch ensure that customers systems are discoverable, accessible and functioning.

By integrating PagerDuty with MxToolbox you get instant alerts to any potential security concerns in your web infrastructure. If there is a warning or an alarm, customers can configure PagerDuty as a destination for the alert. PagerDuty then provides customers more granularity of control over the alerts they receive, simplified routing of the alerts, and easy configuration of the teams working the alerts.

Here are a few monitoring examples — one of a mailflow and the other of a domain:





Get started with the integration today!