
Partner Integrations at Summit

by Andrew Marshall August 15, 2018 | 4 min read

It’s no secret that PagerDuty’s robust and ever-expanding integrations ecosystem and highly engaged partner community help drive value for our customers. In addition to updating existing integrations to keep up with new product features and adding new IT tool integrations, we’re busy working on new ways to connect our shared customers to unique solutions. Our annual conference, PagerDuty Summit, is a highlight in this regard because we’re able to do that in person with some of our key partners and customers. And if you haven’t signed up for Summit yet, it’s not too late!

With over 280 partner integrations available for PagerDuty customers, it can sometimes be hard to keep up on what’s available and possible from our ecosystem. We’re excited to have some of these partners join us at Summit this year, providing an opportunity for our customers to connect with them to learn about the overall value they partners bring to teams, along with what’s fresh and upcoming.

Partners You Don’t Want to Miss

Circonus offers a hosted and SaaS monitoring system that collects a variety of metrics (system, network, application, and business metrics) and performs trend analysis and fault detection. View Circonus integration guide.

Datadog is a SaaS-based monitoring and analytics platform for large-scale applications and infrastructure. Combining real-time metrics from servers, containers, databases, and applications with end-to-end tracing and log management, Datadog delivers actionable alerts and powerful visualizations to provide full-stack observability. Datadog includes over 250 vendor-supported integrations and APM libraries for several languages. View Datadog integration guide.

Harness is the industry’s first Continuous Delivery-as-a-Service platform that automates the entire Continuous Delivery process, uses machine learning to protect you when deployments fail, and equips you with enterprise-grade security every step of the way. Continuous Delivery has never been so simple. (Integration coming soon!)

OverOps provides net new machine data from applications and services to help organizations effectively evaluate the reliability of their software and implement a culture of accountability. By combining static and dynamic code analysis, OverOps captures unique code-aware insight about every error and exception—both caught and uncaught—in any environment, including production. This deep visibility into the functional quality of applications and services not only helps developers more effectively troubleshoot, but also empowers DevOps to build metrics dashboards, implement continuous reliability, and enhance the entire software delivery supply chain. View OverOps integration guide.

Scalyr is the blazing-fast log management platform for the engineering front line. Unlike traditional log management tools built for IT cost centers, only Scalyr is architected for revenue-generating software. With Scalyr, engineers can go fast at scale, keep things simple, and share with their teams. It is the fastest log management platform in the industry, with a purpose-built, streamlined database and an incredibly parallel cloud compute cluster. Its search speed exceeds 1.5 TB per second and 96 percent of queries complete in less than one second. View Scalyr integration guide.

SignalFx is a cloud monitoring solution built on a massively scalable streaming architecture. They discover, collect, and evaluate metrics from any service, providing DevOps teams with the analytics and alerting that they need for visibility into today’s highly distributed and ephemeral environments. With SignalFx, teams can quickly separate meaningful signals from the sea of noise to find and resolve issues before they affect customers—in real time, at any scale. View SignalFx integration guide.

Come meet representatives from these and other partners at PagerDuty Summit 2018! You will also have the opportunity to speak with our product teams, who seek to ensure that customers have access to well-maintained integrations, including support for current versions and standards. We’d be happy to show you how our ever-expanding portfolio of integrations across an increasingly wide range of use cases help our customers of all sizes and verticals drive their digital operations.