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What’s New: Updates to Event Intelligence, Compliance and Reporting, and More!

by Vera Chan March 11, 2021 | 7 min read

We’re excited to announce a new set of updates and enhancements to the PagerDuty platform! These updates are designed to help organizations accelerate cloud migration, provide premium levels of customer service, streamline collaboration and communication, and deliver a seamless customer experience in the moments that matter most.

Innovate & Automate Faster

We continue to improve our AIOps and machine learning capabilities to help customers reduce noise, quickly identify root cause, and automate the resolution of critical, business-impacting issues. This will help organizations further increase cost savings, reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR), and preserve people hours. The following capabilities empower responders to gain control, deliver critical context for faster root cause identification, assess impact, and automate actions with minimal configuration.

Suggested Technical Service Dependencies: Impact Tab

The new Suggested Technical Services Dependencies on a service profile’s Impact Tab helps accelerate dependency mapping that predicts relationships between services through PagerDuty’s machine learning model. For example, the checkout cart is typically dependent on the credit card transaction service. PagerDuty can help surface blindspots and critical gaps to ensure these service configurations are up to date!



Alert Grouping Preview and Content-Based Alert Grouping

Content-Based Alert Grouping gives you complete control over how alerts are grouped. You can group alerts based on an exact match of a defined field (or multiple fields) and use logic like “for all” or “for any.” This way, any alerts that match this criteria will automatically be grouped together. Alert Grouping Preview reveals which alerts would have been grouped over the past 45 days to help determine if Intelligent Alert Grouping should be enabled.



Automated Triggers

Automated Triggers enable automatic triggering of custom actions (webhooks) to automation tools so response teams can resolve incidents faster—with fewer resources. Additionally, you can easily create automation actions based on alert context using event rules and target specific alerts to route, suppress, or perform custom actions directly to the context of the alert.

Learn how to create or automate rules via the Rulesets API or Service Event Rules and view the Automated Triggers demo.

Change Impact Mapping: New Integrations

PagerDuty fully integrates change events from the software delivery process (CI/CD pipelines) and code repositories, enabling visibility across changes to better understand their impact. Leverage this real-time context to immediately identify where changes have caused failures and predict what risk future changes could have across business-critical services. We’ve also added new integrations to further improve understanding around change impact for our customers.

View the integration guides and support docs for these new change events integrations: Ansible, Buildkite, GitLab, Jenkins, Rundeck, and ServiceNow.

Start sending change events to PagerDuty and custom events through the Change Events API or navigate to Incidents > Recent Changes in PagerDuty.



Admin Experience: Compliance & Reporting

Organizations need an easy way to operate and administer critical software applications. We’ve simplified the auditing process to deliver greater operational visibility and compliance to aid in understanding what changes lead to a missed incident.

Audit Trail Reporting

The new Audit Trail Reporting UI delivers reports for users, teams, schedules, escalation policies, and services. You can examine configuration history and access audit records for the previous year on demand—and at any frequency—to help organizations achieve compliance and stay aligned with policies.

An Expanding Ecosystem: PagerDuty Integrations

We continue expanding our ecosystem of native integrations to help teams bridge the communication gap between customer service and engineering teams, embrace full-service ownership, and better manage cloud migration initiatives.

PagerDuty Microsoft Teams Integration

The PagerDuty Microsoft Teams Integration enables real-time chat and video conference bridges (with just one click) and streamlined collaboration across Microsoft Office Products to accelerate incident remediation in real time. View the PagerDuty Microsoft Teams for Incident Meetings Integration demo.


PagerDuty Amazon and AWS Integrations

PagerDuty and AWS help teams adopt a full-service ownership model, making it easier to collaborate and resolve issues faster with cloud and hybrid-cloud management for AWS.

Enjoy the PagerDuty + AWS for Cloud Migration Overview or read the blog titled: PagerDuty at AWS re:Invent—New Tools to Power AWS and Your Cloud Migration.


You can also enjoy a collection of product demos on the PagerDuty AWS re:Invent 2020 Videos Channel, visit PagerDuty’s AWS re:Invent information page, and learn more about each new integration below:

PagerDuty Amazon DevOps Guru Integration

PagerDuty and Amazon DevOps Guru help operations teams improve visibility into their AWS ecosystem and AWS-based applications. Amazon DevOps Guru’s machine learning-enabled application health information and Simple Notification Service (SNS), together with PagerDuty’s capabilities, help teams get ahead of operational issues and prevent any negative impact to customers.

Learn more from the integration guide or the PagerDuty Amazon DevOps Guru Integration Configuration & Setup demo.


PagerDuty AWS Control Tower Integration

PagerDuty for AWS Control Tower helps organizations with multiple AWS accounts respond to incidents in real time across a multi-account AWS environment. Learn more about the integration from the blog and enjoy the PagerDuty AWS Control Tower Integration Incident Workflow demo.


PagerDuty AWS Outposts Integration

PagerDuty for AWS Outposts empowers teams to manage incidents for AWS infrastructure used in a private datacenter, co-location space, or on-premises facility for hybrid environments. View the blog and enjoy the PagerDuty AWS Outposts Integration Incident Workflow demo.


PagerDuty EventBridge Quick Start Integration

PagerDuty for EventBridge Quick Start lets teams set up Lambda-driven updates to their AWS ecosystem even faster than before. Learn about how to get started via the integration guide and view the PagerDuty Amazon EventBridge Quick Start Incident Workflow demo.


New Version of Zendesk and PagerDuty Integration

Find the latest PagerDuty + Zendesk integration in the Zendesk Marketplace. As a key part of our PagerDuty for Customer Service solution, this bi-directional integration enhances communication between engineering and support teams through visibility into high-impact incidents. Additionally, it allows support agents to run automated workflows from the PagerDuty sidebar in Zendesk and enables customer service teams to interact knowledgeably with customers.

Coming soon: Get ready for the integrated PagerDuty Status Dashboard!

Learn more from the: PagerDuty for Customer Service & the PagerDuty Zendesk Integration demo and Zendesk + PagerDuty integration page.


Work Where You Are

Today’s modern work culture necessitates the power to access business-critical information and flexibility to perform tasks quickly wherever you are–whether in the office, remote, or on the go. That’s why PagerDuty continues to enhance its iOS and Android mobile app with a streamlined and balanced user experience that delivers the power and ease-of-use required to work effectively and efficiently.

PagerDuty Mobile App Updates and Enhancements: New User Setup, Login Enhancements and Sync With ServiceNow

Embrace the full benefit of PagerDuty—whether on an iOS or Android device. Respond and take the fastest action possible to reduce impact to customers when issues arise. Learn how to set up contact rules quickly with responder readiness templates as part of the new user setup, enable log-in to the mobile app via an MDM (mobile device management) system, and sync with ServiceNow with the tap of a button to keep your system of record up to date!

Learn more and view the release notes.

Register for the Q4 PagerDuty Pulse Webinar to access the latest product demos!

If your team could benefit from any of these enhancements, be sure to contact your account manager and sign up for a 14-day free trial.