Engineering Blog

One Small ChatOps Win

by Jeremy Olexa December 12, 2017 | 2 min read

Imagine yourself in a geographical distributed, multi team organization
structure. Ok, that isn’t very difficult to imagine since we have that at
PagerDuty. When you
have a organization structure where you are on-call for code that you ship to
production, it means there are many, many people on-call at a given time. Often,
you will just want to know who is on-call so that you can ask a question
without interupting the entire team, typically the on-call is a point person for

We heavily use ChatOps at
PagerDuty and now we are happy to share one small win that we like to use within
our team. My guess is that you will use a chat collaboration tool, like
Slack as well. It is a very natural fit to automatically
update the Slack topic with information from PagerDuty.


With an AWS Lambda function, we can easily pull data from the PagerDuty API
and then post data to the Slack API. In leu of re-explaining all the technical
details of this implementation, I encourage reading the

I am especially happy to open source our small win. There are a few additions
that I know would be useful, like HipChat support.
I encourage and welcome future contributions to make this Lambda function

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