
Alerting, Best Practices & Insights

Best Practices in Outage Communication: Incident Team

You’ve just realized that something has gone critically wrong, and you can’t fix it yourself. Particularly if you work within a collaborative DevOps environment, it’s better to get by with a little help from you friends. Effectively coordinating the incident response across subject matter experts and front-line responders is a secret to operational success that differentiates top teams. So it’s important that you have an effective and efficient way to to sound the alarm, and make sure that your conversations are recorded and actionable.

4 min read


Not Enough Cat Photos? Introducing OkCats

PagerDuty alerts. Feeding a newborn gremlin. FOMO. These are the things that keep us up at night. Here at PagerDuty, we know that nothing settles the nerves like eye cuddling a fluffy, adorable cat. That why we’re proud to announce OkCats.

1 min read

Alerting, Announcements, Partnerships

Flowdock and PagerDuty Integration Update

When your service goes down, there’s no time to waste. With sweaty palms and an elevated heart rate, you need to figure out what’s wrong, all while communicating your status to your users. Coordinating with your team is complex enough – there’s no room for unnecessary actions. This is where Flowdock's new and greatly improved PagerDuty integration comes into play.

2 min read

Alerting, Best Practices & Insights, Reliability

Best Practices in Outage Communication: Customers

Outages are chaotic, and it can be difficult to figure out the best way to let your  customers know what is going on. One of the first big decisions you’ll need to make is whether you’re going to respond only to people who inquire about the issue, or if you’re going to be more proactive and post updates publicly. Many of the leading technology companies have begun to transparently discuss outages with their customers, and there are a number of good business reasons for doing so. Regardless of your approach, here are 6 things you can do to ensure successful customer communication during outages.

8 min read


Cool Things You Can Do with the PagerDuty API

One of the great things about PagerDuty is our API. With our API, you can integrate with a wide variety of partners, and also extend and customize your PagerDuty experience. Our customers have done a number of cool things, including creating custom reports and dashboards, creating status pages to let customers and internal stakeholders know about incidents, and automating the details of their incident response. The PagerDuty API helps you respond to incidents more efficiently. But where do you get started? We highlight some examples of cool tools.

5 min read

Alerting, Announcements, Operations Performance, Partnerships

Eliminate Alert Fatigue with PagerDuty and Event Enrichment

We, as IT professionals, have ever-expanding access to more accurate Ops telemetry. With this data, we have an incredible amount of visibility into what’s going on. However, more information isn’t always a good thing when it comes to alerting. You can definitely have too many alerts, and alert fatigue is a growing problem among Operations teams. More detailed telemetry isn’t bad; it’s just that much of this information is generally better suited for forensics rather than alerting. Event Enrichment and PagerDuty team up to help you battle alert fatigue.

4 min read


5 Reasons to Ditch Email Alerts

Want to improve your email alerts? Think again. Monitoring systems can help you better manage your uptime, but even though you may spend a lot of time configuring checks and thresholds to identify problems early, your alerts are only as good as your incident response processes. Here are 5 reasons why you should ditch email alerts if you’re still using them.

4 min read

Alerting, DevOps, Operations Performance

Transitioning to a DevOps Model

As the pace of development and business continues to scale, teams need an agile and collaborative work environment to succeed. Moving to a DevOps model is a critical part of setting your engineering teams up to succeed, but making the transition can be challenging for many companies. In this post, we share some strategies for making the transition.

6 min read