PagerDuty Blog

We're switching to Free + Ad-Supported (April Fools)

This was an April Fools post, we’re quite happy with our current business model. We enjoyed writing it though, so we’ll keep it up: We…

In Announcements

Outage Post Mortem – March 15

As some of you know, PagerDuty suffered an outage for a total of 15 minutes this morning. We take the reliability of our systems very…

In Reliability

New Relic Integration with PagerDuty

We are very excited to announce a new integration with New Relic. As with all of our integrations, once you hook up New Relic to…

In Announcements, Partnerships

Triggering an alert from a phone call (code sample)

I get a lot of requests to handle & escalate phone calls as well as alerts from monitoring systems. Here’s a code sample that lets…

In Alerting, Operations Performance

Not breaking your Google Analytics (like a pro)

As a general rule, whatever percentage you think your test coverage is, it isn’t. Whatever amount of the known surface area you’re covering, there’s going…

In Reliability

We have a mobile site

We’re an engineering-heavy organization, but recently we’ve taken on a critical mass of design passion in the organization and hopefully it’s starting to show. Simon…

In Announcements, Features

Pressure Release Valves

This is the fourth in a series of posts on increasing overall availability of your service or system. Have you ever gotten paged, and known…

In Reliability

Short emails for your pager

Our company literally grew out of our founders’ frustration at being on pager duty, where the person on-call would physically carry a pager — so…

In Announcements, Features

SCALE 10X, Linux in Southern California

One of our goals this year is to attend more conferences outside of San Francisco, and after the Southern California Linux Expo in Los Angeles,…

In Events

It's Schedulin' Time!

The new on-call scheduling tool is here. We migrated all accounts to it prior to the holiday break. Some of you have played with it….

In Announcements, Features

What monitoring tools do you use?

We support any monitoring tool that can send an email or make a JSON call, but we support tighter integration with some than others. We…

In Operations Performance, Reliability

Team building with facial hair

One of the best things about growing our team at PagerDuty is that we have critical mass for things like Movember (it’s also an impressive…

In Announcements

With a little inline help from my friends

We are absolutely spoiled in terms the technical competence of our users, so sometimes it’s difficult for us to imagine that anyone would need help…

In Announcements, Features

A Standard Operating Procedure for when s*IT hits the fan

This is the third in a series of posts on increasing overall availability of your service or system. In the first post of this series, we…

In Reliability

Using Loggly and PagerDuty for threshold alerting

Loggly has a great blog post up about using alert birds to trigger PagerDuty alerts in response to heuristics on your logs: “ the example…

In Announcements, Partnerships

iCal Integration and Hand-off Notification

Our new calendar is getting its final touches and will add iCal integration to your profile page — if you’d like to get in on…

In Announcements, Features

Alert Birds (by Loggly)

Our good friends at Loggly are hosting a webinar on Getting Started with Alert Birds tomorrow (Oct 11) at 10am PDT. Just in case you…

In Announcements, Partnerships

More control over Optimistic Locking in Rails

Like pretty much everything else in Rails, optimistic locking is nice and easy to setup:  you simply add a “lock_version” column to your ActiveRecord model…

In Reliability