| In Alerting, DevOps, Operations Performance

Here is some food for thought, we learned that Android users resolve incidents in their IT environments up to 52% faster than iPhone users. Mobile…

| In Alerting, DevOps, Operations Performance

Gartner identifies “software-defined anything (SDx)” as one of the top 10 strategic technologies of 2014. SDx is a driven by the need for automation in…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

We had wide variety of Hack Day projects this month that showcased the unique talent we have here at PagerDuty. In this post, we’ll highlight three…

| In Operations Performance, Reliability

Our team had a great time at AWS re:Invent last week. And we enjoyed meeting everyone who stopped by our booth. This year we teamed…

Guest blog post by Ron Vidal, Rob Schnepp, and Chris Hawley of Blackrock 3 Partners LLC. Blackrock 3 Partners are experts in Incident Management, combining…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

The On-Call Scheduling Best Practices Series is back! In the first on-call best practices series, we covered what equipment is needed and how people want…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

Since our first on-call best practices post back in March 2011, on-call scheduling methods have remained mostly unchanged. Many teams start off with sending email…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

Earlier this month at Nagios World Conference North America, Arup Chakrabarti, Operations Engineering Team Lead @ PagerDuty gave a talk on “What You Should Monitor and…

New Relic, a popular application performance management solution PagerDuty integrates with, is holding their first user conference, FutureStack, today and tomorrow. At FutureStack, New Relic…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

Whether you’re a PagerDuty customer or discovering us for the first time, we’ve put together this post to highlight some of hacked workarounds that inspired…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

TL;DR; We brought our deploy time down from 10 minutes to 50 seconds. When I joined PagerDuty over a year ago, our application consisted of…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

Hiring software engineers is hard.  We all know this.  If you get past the problem of sourcing and landing good candidates (which is hard in…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

Customers always expect great support from every business, and they ought to if they pay a premium for it. Providing awesome support is a lot…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

Monitoring your infrastructure. It can be challenging, but that’s why you have all of the tools in place to make sure you don’t miss a…

| In Alerting, Operations Performance

I get a lot of requests to handle & escalate phone calls as well as alerts from monitoring systems. Here’s a code sample that lets…

| In Operations Performance, Reliability

We support any monitoring tool that can send an email or make a JSON call, but we support tighter integration with some than others. We…

This is Part 1 in a multi-part series dealing with tips for being on-call.