I Married an On-Call Engineer
This is a guest blog post from Katie Newland. It’s a reaction to her spouse receiving PagerDuty notifications at inopportune times and how her spouse’s...
This is a guest blog post from Katie Newland. It’s a reaction to her spouse receiving PagerDuty notifications at inopportune times and how her spouse’s...
We get it. You hate getting alerts. As Jason Floyd, Senior DevOps Manager at Real Networks put it, “I love you and I hate you. PagerDuty...
3 min read
Corey Bertram, Site Reliability Engineer at Netflix recently spoke to a DevOps Meetup group at PagerDuty HQ about injecting failure at Netflix. For Corey, he...
Two of the most important metrics for any on-call team are Incident Volume and Mean Time to Repair (MTTR). Tracking how many incidents are coming...
This is a guest blog post from Shawn Parrish of NodePing, one of our monitoring partners, about how to avoid some of the more common monitoring...
This is a guest blog post from PC Monitor, one of our monitoring partners, about how to best use their system and PagerDuty together to...
3 min read
Customer feedback is important to us at PagerDuty. Some of our latest updates were inspired by use cases our customers wanted to solve with our...
2 min read
This is a guest blog post from John Sheehan is the CEO of Runscope which provides web service API debugging and testing tools for app...
Anything can happen while you’re on-call. You can experience a quiet, incident-free shift or suffer a severe outage that makes your head explode. Since you...
79% of on-calls admit to forgetting about their shifts. Instead you receive a critical alert that needs your attention, but you are far from mentally...
2 min read
Want to be internet famous in the DevOps community? Share a personal story of heroism on your personal blog, company blog or community site* about...
This is a guest blog post from CopperEgg, one of our monitoring partners, about how to analyze historical data to create an in-depth alerting process....
Last week, we gave some suggestions for how you can spend your time when you are on-call. However, here are some things that you absolutely...
At PagerDuty, our customers rely on us to be highly-available and reliable when their infrastructure may not be. Unfortunately, sometimes bugs may surface in our...
In a recent survey we conducted of on-call engineers, 51.5% of people stated that while on-call during non-business hours they like to spend time with...
Monthly Hack days. One that resulted in t-shirts with a built-in buzzer. Video game night. Whiskey Wednesdays. A fully stocked snack area called SnackDuty. An...
Monitoring tools offer a very limited way to get alerts. Usually, only by email. But nobody wants to sit in front of their inbox waiting...
Okay, breathe. Everything is going to be okay! In a recent survey we conducted, we learned that over 80% of you have admitted you have...